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Meet Our Team

Emily Blue, CFA

Hello! I am Emily Blue. I live in awe of the amazing entrepreneurs that I work with on a daily basis, and I have always dreamed of becoming a founder myself. Hue has been a dream come true. I am a big believer in the power of a good story, so let me share mine with you!

I attended William Jewell College, a place that will forever hold a special place in my heart as it is where I met my husband, Harrison. I studied mathematics, economics and business. I was not planning on being a “math nerd”, but a female calculus professor pulled me aside one day and shared her personal story of studying mathematics and how there are not enough women in the field. I was inspired to lean in and try hard things.

I started my career in the weeds of M&A integration for a large asset manager. I loved building relationships with the founders and ensuring that the promises made during the transaction process were fulfilled post-close. I made the transition from asset management to wealth management by joining one of the largest aggregators in the country to lead their valuation efforts. In this role, it became clear that while I love numbers, it was the people behind the numbers that mattered most to me. When an entrepreneur shares their financials with you, it is a vulnerable moment grounded in trust. There is so much more behind numbers. There is a story of where the firm has been and where it is going. My passion for relationships and story telling, positioned me well for helping source acquisition opportunities. 

Before starting Hue, I served as Head of Corporate Development at a national multi-family office. There, I helped expand their geographic footprint through inorganic growth. 

It became abundantly clear that there is a major gap in our industry - good advice for good people navigating the biggest decision of their lifetime. I quickly realized that I was on the wrong side of the table and that my heart was with the seller. My heart wanted to be an advocate for the founder. This is what Hue Partners was founded on - human capital at the center. 

When I am not working with amazing clients, I am spending time with my family. My husband inspires me daily with his work as a Special Victims Unit Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson County in our hometown of Kansas City. Go Chiefs! We have three amazing kiddos - Olivia, Claire, and Wesley. Our home is filled with two sweet girls that run around in princess dresses and truly believe that Harrison and their baby brother are handsome princes. 

What am I most proud of? While I could rattle off professional accolades, that isn’t what truly moves me. We were asked to adopt a baby six months into being married. It was the best “yes” and the biggest honor of our lifetime. That decision has impacted every facet of my life. It taught me to lean in and embrace the true spontaneity of life! 

I believe in the power of giving back to the community. There are a few organizations that are particularly near and dear to my heart. I serve as the Board Chairwoman for the Girl Scouts of NE KS and NW MO. I also serve on the leadership team of the Community Impact Makers for Newhouse, the oldest domestic violence shelter in Kansas City. Lastly, I am a member of the EmpowHER for Big Brothers Big Sisters, a women’s philanthropic group dedicated to mentorship. Each of these organizations have given back far more than I have ever given.

One day, I will get back to multi-day international hiking adventures. My dad is my favorite hiking buddy and lives by a motto of “Go. See. Do.” We have conquered Machu Picchu and Kilimanjaro together. For now, we have embraced short hikes with toddlers and a baby stuffed in a hiking backpack and watching the kids marvel at the small observations on a trail. 

There’s my story! I can’t wait for the opportunity to learn your story. Together, we will do amazing things! Don’t be a stranger and please send me a note. 



Thank you for your interest in getting to know me. I am delighted to share my story and look forward to hearing yours!

I've been unbelievably fortunate in my life, both professionally and personally, and I am constantly grateful knowing the best is yet to come. As a native Austinite, my journey has taken me from Austin, to the sunny desert of Scottsdale, to the tundra of Chicago, the bustling city of New York, and the heartland of Kansas City (go Chiefs!). However, there's truly no place like home, and I found my way back to Austin with my wonderful family at the beginning of 2022.

Speaking of family, mine keeps me on my toes! My wife, Alexandria, and I met during our undergraduate years at Texas A&M University (cue the romantic country music), and we have been inseparable ever since. Not a day goes by without being reminded of how incredible she is and how fortunate I am to have her in my life. Together, we have three young boys - Eric, Griffin, and Marshall. However, our "first born" is our beloved golden retriever, Teddy, who dutifully attends to his kitchen scraps responsibilities. Every day in the Halls household is an adventure filled with giggles, tears, chaos, and an abundance of love.

Now, let's talk shop! I believe my destiny was to work in finance from the very beginning. Growing up, I received a small allowance every two weeks. What did I spend it on? Nothing - I saved every penny! As an elementary-aged child, I meticulously kept the books with my mom's help and tracked my savings in an old checkbook. I promise, I was really cool as a kid! Later in life, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact poor financial advice can have, when my grandmother's savings evaporated due to risky investments her broker made leading up to the financial crisis. This ignited in me a core passion to help people make informed financial decisions that will endure for the rest of my life.

My career began with less than ideal timing, graduating A&M with a Finance degree amidst the global financial crisis. I was fortunate to join one of the world's largest asset managers, working in Scottsdale to support wirehouse advisors transition from transactional to fee-based advisory businesses. I then traded sunny Arizona for frigid Chicago and pursued my MBA full-time at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where I built a foundation in corporate finance to complement my retail investing background.

After completing my MBA, I joined an RIA in my home state of Texas. As an acquisitive firm, it provided the perfect blend of the advice industry I was passionate about and the growth potential of strategic M&A. Ultimately, this blend led me to join the largest dedicated M&A team in our industry. My familiarity with the gritty details of operating an RIA, having witnessed firsthand the impact of an acquisition on founders, employees, and clients, is the core insight I bring to every deal I work on.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that M&A is about understanding the people behind the business first and the numbers second. While the financial outcome of any transaction is paramount, the greatest anxiety in M&A often revolves around how the partner you choose will impact the future for you, your team, and your clients. You deserve someone with that perspective on your team, advocating for your goals. That's why I co-founded Hue Capital Partners, a place where I can leverage my background to advocate for the incredible RIAs and advisors across our industry.

I hope you've enjoyed learning about my background, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you. Let's explore how we can collaborate and navigate the M&A landscape. Drop me a line, and let's make great things happen together.